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What is Vitamin C and it is not what you have been told!

Have you ever seen a story on how vitamin C is worthless in health? Vitamin C is one of the most misunderstood nutrients. If you look at, you will see them tell you it is ascorbic acid. Wikipedia too. I can tell you that is not even close.

Let’s go back into history and the discoverer of vitamin C. It was a Hungarian biochemist, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi. Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi won the Nobel Price in 1937 for his discovery. He started his journey looking at the adrenals. He needed more substance to do his experiments and knew he could not get enough harvested from the adrenals. He lived in an area that grew paprika. He states in his presentation to the Nobel Committee, that “Thanks to international collaboration, in the unbelievable short space of two years the mysterious vitamin C had become a cheap, synthetic product.” What he discovered in a natural substance had been made into a synthetic substance, ascorbic acid. He later goes on to state that as he was diving deeper into what he thought was vitamin c, he had a colleague that suffered from a serious hemorrhagic diathesis. Since vitamin c was just being understood, he did not have the synthetic crystalline ascorbic acid in his lab. He knew that paprika had this vitamin c component in it and he sent the colleague the paprikas. “My colleague was cured.” He goes on to describe that they later tried to get the same results with pure synthetic vitamin C, ascorbic acid. “But later we tried in vain to obtain the same therapeutic with pure vitamin C.” Let me repeat that, “we tried in vain” and it didn’t work. There you go. From the original Nobel Prize winner from 1937 from his discovery of vitamin C. Synthetic ascorbic acid is virtually worthless in treating disease. We as a nation have spent millions if not billions of dollars saying that ascorbic acid is worthless in treating disease. No wonder all the studies show it being worthless. They’re not even testing vitamin C!!!!

Here is the link to his speech to the Nobel Prize Committee

But what is truly vitamin C? You cannot synthesize it down to ascorbic acid because there are about 8 known components in vitamin C and who knows how many unknown. One of the components is ascorbic acid. Say you want to rob a bank for the money. You rush into the bank grab the security guard and run out leaving the money. That is what ascorbic acid is. It’s the security guard which protects the other components. Vitamin C also has the vitamin P component which is a bioflavonoid called rutin. Rutin is part of the real money. Dr. Szent-Gyorgy knew this. It maintains blood vessel integrity. Integrity as in vascular integrity in aneurisms, embolisms, and stokes. Add heart health and varicose veins too. If you look at the so called moronic experts, they don’t even know what vitamin P is. I can’t tell you the number of times I talk about vitamin P to the so called experts and they have not even heard of P. Szent-Gyorgyi did. He named it. One thing that whole vitamin C does is that it builds collagen and decreases permeability of the cells. He named it Vitamin P for two things. Paprika and permeability. Along with those, you have the Vitamin K component. Both Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2 component. K1 is for the clotting of the blood and K2 helps move calcium away from the arteries and into the tissues and bone. Could that possibly be important? Ascorbic acid can’t do that. It also has the Vitamin J component too which is called the anti pneumonia component. You start adding several enzymes in the complex including tyrosinase which is also called the copper factor.

Now there is a downside of synthetic antioxidants. Ascorbic acid being one. I recently reviewed Dr. Michael Greger, M.D.’s review on the topic. If you look at the research on the use of ascorbic acid, it’s virtually worthless. Possibly worse. You see, you want cells to die and turn over. That is called apoptosis. The natural death of the cell so a new cell can take over. Ascorbic acid, along with other synthetic anti oxidants do not allow for natural cell death and may increase your risk of early death. What?!!!!! Yep. Increase your chance of early death.!!!

Vitamin C is the anti scurvy vitamin. Ascorbic acid won’t solve scurvy. Whole food vitamin C does. That’s why it is important to get it in whole food. Fruits, vegetables, and if you have a stash of adrenals in the garage, go for it. Did you ever think how the indigenous populations of the far north, who had very little fruits and vegetables, survived without scurvy? When they killed the animal, one of the first things they ate were the adrenals. Could adrenal fatigue be helped by the proper food and whole food supplementation? Possibly.

Vitamin C’s big benefit is that it deals with capillary integrity. It takes the capillaries that are week and restrengthens them and has a profound effect on the body. It restores the integrity to the cells. Research done in the 1920’s showed that cancer had a hard time taking hold when cellular structures were intact. Varicose veins benefit from C. Bones have collagen and it helps to strengthen bones. Heart health also. And it goes on and on.

There you go. What do you think? I’m not that intelligent. Ben Franklin was intelligent. Leonardo Da Vinci was intelligent. My brother-in-law Dave who is a neuroradiologist in Florida is intelligent. Not very good looking but intelligent. If you look at the information about Vitamin C, you have to come to the conclusion that it is amazing for human health. I just don't understand why researchers of Vitamin C continue to go down an abyss.

I am a big follower of Dr. Royal Lee. He is considered the Einstein of Nutrition and wrote extensively about vitamin C. The following was from one of his speeches:

“It has been demonstrated years ago that when any patient dies of a general infection, whether it is blood poison or so called septocemia, diphtheria, or what have you, the patient does not die until all of the vitamin C in the body fluids has been exhausted. Now that is headline news. It should have been the number one principle for every medical student. Because wherever there is a patient that is seriously ill with an infective disease, or infections disease, in which we have a problem of building up the body defenses. Don't forget that that patient will never die as long as there is vitamin C in his tissues. He doesn’t die from the infection, he dies from the deficiency. Because those phagocytes will continue to fight as long as they are supplied with vitamin C. And they will not stop until the C is gone. The battle will be lost. Apparently they will always win the battle if they are given vitamin C. “

There you go. You now know more about vitamin C than most healthcare providers. When you hear one say that vitamin C has been proven worthless in health you can now say, doc, you don’t know what you are talking about. Let me teach you something today.


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